Yesterday's News stated that Tamil Nadu express bound to Chennai caught fire at Nellore, A.P.The S11 coach caught fire in the early morning. D. Ram Sudhakar, 45, branch manager of the United India Insurance Company, was travelling from Vijayawada to Chennai to attend a meeting. His thoughtful act off pulling the emergency chain to halt the train saved many lives or else other coaches would have engulfed in fire.
Coming to the lives, he saved elderly grandparents but could not save their grand daughter. What is fate nothing but calculated destiny? Otherwise why should the aged survive and the younger one lose her life?
I have traveled manytimes by train and I always make it a point NEVER to exchange my seats / berths with anyone. The reason I keep saying that my family knows that I am traveling in the particular coach and berth / seat and in case of accidents like this, I do not want to hang my family members in the lurch .So reasons known to me and my family, I do not barter my seats or berths. It could be that after exchanging my seat , I might survive or perish in the calamity! When God has given me a particular place why should I change not only my place but also my fate? Here in this case one Mr. Ram Sudhakar has been mentioned as dead.Is it by mistake or someone in the same name? Many passengers had occupied the aisle, near the entrance door fast asleep. How many have lost their lives without their names entered in the Passengers' list but have entered in God's list?
Do their family know about their travel plan?
For this purpose, I have the habit of writing the train name, number, coach number, seat number, date of traveling etc whenever I travel in the calender at home and of late sms the same to the family members just in case of untoward events like this which God only knows .(GOK)
So it's better play safe here after those who do not keep informed their family pl. do so. At least spare them of running from platform to trains...
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