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Thursday, August 4, 2011


One can see while on the road 90 % people on the mobile phone either busy talking or texting messages. Life has become gadget ridden life without which a man is not complete. Gone is the saying clothes make a complete man, instead gadgets make a complete man. 

One has become so dependent of mobile, laptop, I pod and what not, as the science develops man’s taste also develops, in the race he forgets to communicate orally. My only fear is man should not forget to speak which no other living thing has.
 It’s sometimes the married woman who brings work home as she has to juggle around with many tasks at home and at work. She also needs to draw the line so that her spouse does not end up like other cyber widows. It is so common to see men folk with these gadgets even at home. 

Surprising fact is that the same gadgets provide the maximum communication around the world which is also responsible for detaching spouses from the family attachment.
The increasing demands of work pressure make a man to follow them at home. In this he fails to do his duty as a father, husband which is expected of him by his family members. He takes shelter in the name of work -an extension of him -at home thus becomes an addict to these gadgets and social net working sites.

His who cares attitude brings the smoke in his marital life, leading to frustration in his partner and unless it is confronted he is not going to change. Their life is so much into these accessories that without them he feels out of water, imagine what would happen if the power goes off for a day! He would be restless and would not know how to spend his time!

Result the number of CYBER WIDOWS on the rise!

The first and foremost thing a Cyber widow should do is to talk to the partner freely and of course remember to get his cyber oxygen off by switching off his cell, Laptop.
It’s sometimes the married woman who brings work home as she has to juggle around with many tasks at home and at work. She also needs to draw the line so that her spouse does not end up like other cyber widows. There is no point in arguing as arguments lead you to nowhere. The best thing is iron out the differences and come to consensus to have a peaceful marital life. 

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