Here is what features in today's Bangalore Mirror on the caption given along with the news.
Casual sex is taking toll on young Bangaloreans
Gynaecologists warn about rising incidence of sexually transmitted diseases and other infections in young girls due to unprotected sex with multiple partners
Neethu Reghukumar
Posted On Friday, July 29, 2011 at 11:26:43 PM
With casual sex gaining popularity among young Bangaloreans, gynaecologists in the city have sounded alarm bells.
They said by indulging in unprotected sex with multiple partners, a number of young girls are contracting Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD). Dr Chetan K Nelvigi, consultant gynaecologist at Sagar Hospital, said, “There is an increase in the number of youngsters coming to us with STDs and other vaginal infections. Nowadays, I get on an average 20 such patients in a month, whereas two years ago it was hardly five or six cases.” The doctor said one of the major reasons for the trend was unprotected sex with multiple partners. “Despite knowing the after effects, young girls these days have become so casual about premarital sex that they rarely insist on the use of protection. They feel that even if they get pregnant, getting an abortion is very easy. Most of the girls who come to us are in the age group of 20 to 30 years, educated and from well-to-do families,” he said. Dr Padmini Prasad, gynaecologist and sexologist at Ramamani Nursing Home, Rajaji Nagar, also said that the number of women going to her for treatment of STDs and infections has increased. She said, “The highest number of cases I receive are those with herpes infection. While three years ago I used to receive hardly two or three such cases in a month, now I see one or two cases a week. The most common symptoms are the recurrent onset of small multiple rashes or ulcers that are painful. Most such patients are between 20 and 35 years of age.” The doctors said the trend could be reversed through counselling and spreading awareness among youngsters about the dangerous consequences of their behaviour. “Most of the youngsters, either students or those in the early stages of their career, stay alone in the city and since their families are not there to monitor their activities, try to replicate whatever they see around them. For young girls, getting pregnant and having an abortion done has nowadays become a kind of a joke,” said Dr Chetan. Dr Padmini said there are also cases where married women contracted STDs because of their unfaithful partners. Dr S Anuradha, a consultant gynaecologist at Cloudnine, said she has also witnessed an increase in the number of patients coming with warts. “Cervical warts is a condition that can lead to cancer. The major reason is unprotected sex with multiple partners. The worst part is, even if we warn the patients about the danger of the trend, they take it very casually. Since most of these youngsters keep consulting different doctors, we do not get to know if they have changed their behaviour.” Dr Padmini also said that warts are on the rise. “Three years ago, we used to get hardly four to eight cases in a year, but now the number goes up to even 35.” |
I had the topic in my mind to post at the time of navrathiri, since a similar one has appeared now, I would like to continue with that. It's so common in some states after navrathiri Garba, many women to go for abortion at clinics. I remember a gynecologist telling me that sometimes the mother and daughter would end up at the same clinic in different timings for abortion. It's not an exaggeration but THE truth.
The beauty is girls tell the parents that they are going with their girl friends or boy friends to a particular pandal for taking part but there is hardly any check because the parents them self go to different places for garba raas dance. At least if the parents [ married women ] go for abortion , it's understood. Not necessarily mean it should be illegitimate child our of infidelity?
But unmarried daughters opting for it?
The nextgen do not have any shame or guilt at all. Sex and multiple partners have become so common that they feel it has become a stress buster, rather stress inducers.
Again recently in Delhi many young girls in their teens were caught indulging in Prostitution mainly because of the hefty sum attached to it. Many do not reveal to their parents what they are doing. In the name of college, field trips and picnic some of them from affluent families even fly down to Mumbai during week ends to mint money as arm candies for big shots, and rich guys. The parents do not bother to find out as they are busy in their corporate world! This is a kind of turning a blind eye and deaf ear to their own children.
In their thrill they indulge but by the time they realise it would be too late? Who is the sufferer? They themselves, young blood doesn't know fear. Relax and realise only to repent in leisure! This will be their after thought motto!
Re: Disturbing news
Posted by: Riyakathir
On: 30th July 2011 02:29 PM
Mathangi mam.... you just revealed the truth..... its very common... i have seen this... in my own college when i was studying... the yough girls goo for even mobile recharge and for some poket money.... and fun.... and.. if their boy frindes likes the other girl also.... they introduce the girls to their boys and they are well talented to hipnotise the girls.... this happening in many cities.. some girls.. knows the consequences and they really being safe while they play..... or they dont opt for this...
flirting boys... for poket money and fun parties are being more now a days..... boys dont have any problem.. as girls are more modern and being.... very lathagic and care freee...
many girls are being stressed out by their studies and office stress.. and seeking fun and joy.... but.. later.. they dont know how much they will be stressed f they come to the reality of back effects of these fun....
more then this.. i read in newspaper.... the girl who didn't accept to dance with a called guy in pub.... after the pub get closed.. the girl is being chased by the guys and raped.... Girls are in unsafe zone... now....
this world never even leave the married women...... safety is in our hand.... they have to think and choose their life... after all awareness, educated and knowing all the negatives.. if they need it.. and going for it.. nothing can be done.... let they get it.. and let they suffer.. it is selected by them....
a girl in Bangalore have told me.. she has even got gold bangles.. apple laptop as gifts from boys.... drinks are the next devil which is making girls to do all these evil things..... the Bangalore girl is married and settled in America.. but still having contact with some important friends.. i heard....
what to say on this.... these all became thriller stories for me.. and i am getiing lit of lesson from others experience.... making fun and getting out of stress there are many ways..... they have to understand... at least.. after getting a first hit from their fun episodes...
Re: Disturbing news
Posted by: Mahanu
On: 30th July 2011 09:35 PM
First, the parents are to be blamed primarily for such things happening in our country. In the last twenty years, people have become very much money minded and greedy that they brought up their children with the sole aim of making them earning more and never cared to instill in them good habits, manners and culture. When the children reach the stage desired by them and money pours in their family, parents find it difficult to control them even though they realise at that stage that children are not having good morals.
Had they taught the children atleast some good things in our culture, those youngsters will have a second thought before indulging in these things. Also, schools have nothing like moral values class nowadays, which we used to have then. Even schools are also only encouraging a rat race to score more marks than teaching the children things that are needed for a quality life.
Todays youth think aping the western culture is the best way to live. But they never realise that our environment and psyche is totally different from theirs.
Apart from the above, quality of TV programmes and movies have stooped to such an extent that everyone has become used to it and gone numb to anything vulgar or not in line with our culture. Many serials show women having extra marital affairs, drinking, smoking etc in the name of a modern woman, which only adds fuel to fire.
Neither the Govt. seems to be alarmed by all these things happening. Unless there is some realisation about our culture, virtues and disciplined living, we are bound to see such things happening in our country. God save our people, culture and country.
Re: Disturbing news
Posted by: Umlaut
On: 30th July 2011 10:17 PM
---Quote (Originally by mathangikkumar)---
]ynaecologists warn about rising incidence of* sexually transmitted diseases and other infections in young girl*s due to unprotected sex with multiple partners
---End Quote---
Aunt Mathangi,
Couple of things passed my mind when I read this:
1. Although this article mentions only young girls, I suppose that for an X number of young girls getting infected there must be a Y number of young men also getting infected, after all said girls cannot have got the infections through thin air. Unwanted pregnancy was probably the last thing to cross my mind when I read this. What we should really worry about is these young people getting infected with HIV. If infected, then in 5-10 years time these young educated professionals who are the backbone of the economy of the country will come down with full blown AIDS. Until there is a vaccine or drug to combat HIV, prevention is the only cure. And these people are not uneducated. They full well know what they can get by indulging in high risk behaviour. They are just plain stupid.
2. This sort of foolish behaviour indulged in by a bunch of girls will go on to strengthen the arguments of those people who declare that it is not a nice thing to to get girls educated and independent. It will hamper opportunities for the vast majority of decent, honest and hardworking girls in India whose parents might now hesitate to send them out of their towns for study or work. It will just serve to undo the decades of hard work by women who have been trying to obtain equality in terms of education and work.
---Quote (Originally by Mahanu)---
Todays youth think aping the western culture is the best way to live. But they never realise that our environment and psyche is totally different from theirs.
---End Quote---
Sad, but true, we only ape the west in the all the negative things. Why don't we ever try to emulate the good things the west has to offer: honesty, work ethics, cleanliness, respect for public property, for instance
Re: Disturbing news
Posted by: Umlaut
On: 30th July 2011 10:30 PM
---Quote (Originally by Riyakathir)---
Mathangi mam.... you just revealed the truth..... its very common... i have seen this... in my own college when i was studying... the yough girls goo for even mobile recharge and for some poket money.... and fun.... and.. if their boy frindes likes the other girl also...
---End Quote---
Riya, I have also seen this. When I was a Master's student, there was a girl in my hostel who was like this. An escort, for lack of a better word. Mind you she never broke any rule of the hostel: Always took leave when she was going out for the night. Always inside hostel well within the curfew time. She used to show off all sorts of expensive gifts and jewelry these guys had given her. Well one of these also gave her the gift of HIV.........! This foolish female just gambled away her life for the sake of a few gifts.
Re: Disturbing news
Posted by: forgiven10
On: 30th July 2011 10:40 PM
I miss seeing the innocence young girls had during my growing up years.
The first time I even understood what s** even was, it was in 9 or 10th class! I remembered my whole world turning upside down when I finally understood what it was! I heard stories of fornication once or twice but my innocent mind did not comprehend what it was. I was a scared to think about it or even utter that word because my parents instilled such _FEAR i_n me about it. I am so very thankful that they did. Because if not for them, I would not be who I am today. Thank you Mom and Dad. Where ever I go, I want to encourage young girls to respect God, their body, and their femininity. Because that's what true womanhood is, in my humble opinion. Being a woman is not about gifts, luxuries, cars, watches, boyfriends, and bikini parents taught me this and I will believe in it till the day I die.
My earliest memory of hearing such a story was in 10th when my friend told me that her friend slept with a guy from our school. As my school captain, I told her to shut up and never tell me such stories again. R
Really, unless God and parents protect us, we - the young generation - will end up this way! I really wish some of us would reach out to these naive girls who are indulging in fornication. If I get a chance, I will. Otherwise, there is no hope for India!!!!!!!!