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Friday, February 13, 2015

Health tips--40

Add finely ground six peppercorns and mix it with a glass of warm water and keep drinking for sore throat.

Adding green and orange colour vegetables in our daily life protects the body from throat and lung cancer.

Boil milk with three cloves of garlic and drink this every night for relief from asthma and cough.

Carrot and spinach soup  cures the problem of bleeding gums. The gums become strong and the teeth last for a longer time.

Chew a clove with a crystal of salt; it relieves throat irritation and cough.

Chewing a burnt clove is good for those suffering from a congested throat and recurrent cough.

Consuming one glass of boiled spinach soup or eating it in the form of vegetable everyday cures dental problems.

 Do not skip meals. Skipping meals can trigger a                migraine attack.

If you can, eat smaller meals throughout the day or be sure to eat  three meals. 

Drink a glass of lemon juice in luke warm water with honey after meals.

Eating a banana before going to sleep prevents the cramps and the hard  pains.

For tooth ache ,wash your mouth with salt water after every meal and before going to sleep.

Gargling with hot water along with 1 tsp honey helps relieve you from irritant coughs.

Get more exercises for your legs like evening walks and do some stretching before you go to sleep.

Hot salt baths with Epsom salt for your feet will help relax your muscles and blood pressure.
Prepare a mixture of orange juice with a pinch of salt and 1 tbsp honey. Consuming this protects against secondary infection.

 Make a decoction of the tulsi leaves boiled in 1/2 litre of water, till only half the water remains. Add  honey and ginger and drink it when you have a tough cold.

Pomegranate juice strengthens the hair follicles, preventing hair loss and giving you rich, healthy hair.

The juice of 1 lime in a glass of warm water along with 1 teaspoon of honey is ideal  for  dry hacking coughs. You must sip this while it's warm.

Take 1 glass pure boiled milk and add a pinch of turmeric, two to three crushed pepper balls and drink it at bedtime to cure coughs.

Take a small and fresh piece of ginger and peel off the skin. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on it and chew it, taking the juice inside. It is very effective in treating dry cough.
Take a warm slice of lemon and sprinkle salt, sugar and black pepper on it. The lemon should be eaten until the hiccups stop. 


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