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Friday, May 10, 2013

ThanQ God

How many of us think of God and how many times?

 Daily as soon as I wake up, I think of God and ask him to make my day a peaceful one and give me enough strength and let me fulfill the day's demands.

There are so many who can't afford even a single square meal or a single day passes without any hitches and hiccups.

We should do maximum work for our self and for others and should not expect others to run errands for when we have all the organs and senses in tact by the grace of God . 

We keep hearing so much about people falling sick, meeting with accidents, undergoing medication and depression and some problems with family members and relatives. 

As long as we are able to do all on our own and be independent in taking care of self we should be proud and maintain a good health to live a healthy life  not only for us but for others also.

So thank god everyday in the morning to make us the light of day and get peaceful sleep to wake up bright.

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