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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Women' s Bill.

Why so much of furor for passing the Bill, when this was going on for almost more than a decade. Politicians like the Yadavs simply quoting the minority issue are doing with some hidden agenda. They belong to the section of the region who do not allow the ladies of their house hold to come out in public. Laloo’s proxy in kitchen cabinet was a well known one.

Politicians see red; the sole reason being women would be sitting in their replaced seats. They would be sweeping the male dominated seats in the political arena. For the male territory, it would be an inviting threat, which would drastically change their lucrative career. As long as we have irresponsible leaders, the Bill will never see the light of day. Men folk see it a threat to include33% women in the assembly. How can we imagine having emancipation of women? We live in the traditionally opposed sections of the society who with their narrow minded views block the progress of the nation.

Even if the women’s bill is passed, it should be implemented otherwise the inequality will remain the same. Respect for women should be given not only on the women’s day, but always, which would make them live – a worth living LIFE .

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